Jan 1, 2023
This week we're working with what signs the planets from Mercury to Pluto are going to be doing in 2023
2023 Ephemeris https://www.astro.com/swisseph/ae/2000/ae_2023.pdf
Chart Example is Spanish Rapper:
Alex Keyblade
Locomotive shape chart
Capricorn Asc, Sun/Mars Taurus in 4th, Moon Virgo in 8th
(with today's transits 1st Jan 2023)
Date he started his YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD-NZ6Gm9jk1MvjVLRT1NOw
Transiting Jupiter/Uranus exactly conjunct natal Venus in Aries
Transiting Mars exactly conjunct natal Moon in Virgo
Transiting Moon exactly conjunct natal MC in Scorpio