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Learn Astrology with Mary English

Hello, welcome to my Astrology podcast: Learn Astrology with Mary. We will be learning a bit about Astrology and how wonderful it is and how it can help you understand yourself and others much better.

The first 20 Episodes cover everything you need to know to make an Astrological Birth chart and understand it. We use an accurate Swiss website 

Make sure you make a FREE account with them so you can follow along with the lessons. 

I hope you enjoy listening!

I am the author of a number of books on Astrology more info here on my Amazon page

I have been in private practice as a professional Astrologer since the late 1990s and I am a member of the Astrological Association of Great Britain and the Association for Astrological Networking

Do feedback to me if you have any questions... click on my email link below:) xx

Apr 24, 2022

This week I'm covering the charts of the Prime Ministers of Finland and Sweden.

Article about bunkers

As I have no time of birth I'm using Whole Sign and birth time of 6am to be able to find chart shape and which planets are in which...

Apr 17, 2022

This week I am covering some practical tips about being in private practice.

Here's the link to counselling skills training

Here's the secret bit of this session, get yourself some index cards

Send me an...

Apr 10, 2022

This week I am discussing a very sad topic.

Someone who was looking for their spiritual path but ended up dying because of their life-style/beliefs.

I'm showing how the outer planets were reflective of her inner difficulties.


Dr Phil programme 2020

Apr 3, 2022

This week I am talking about overwhelm in the chart.

Which planet is 'causing' it or part of the issue.

Chart One

The moment this person contacted exactly the same Asc as natal chart.

In this chart Neptune is the issue...transiting opposite natal Saturn which is the ruling planet to chart.


Chart Two

In this example the...