May 30, 2021
This week I am answering a question from 'Carrie' about Sun being in the 1st with the Asc and Sun being in the same sign and also with Asc and Sun being in a different sign in the 1st house and how is that all calculated.
The two charts are Paul Newman and my Dad
Paul Newman
Asc Capricorn 13 degrees
Sun Aquarius 6...
May 23, 2021
This week we are working with the chart for a kind volunteer: "Lara".
She is an artist, with anxiety and wants to know how to build her self-worth.
Splash shape chart
Leo Asc, Sun Taurus in 10th, Moon Pisces in 8th
Jupiter will return over her Moon this year...which will remind her of the first time this happened...
May 16, 2021
This week I am sharing with you a little family story from today.
Here is the article
Here is the Chart of the Moment
Bowl shaped chart
Asc Leo, Sun Taurus in 10th, Moon Cancer conjunct Mars in 12th
Ruler of Asc = Sun
My Mum holding her book in Bath Central Library
May 9, 2021
This week I am covering a brief mention of decumbiture, the Medical Astrology term for when the person 'took to their sick-bed'.
Here is Jane Ridder-Patrick's book A Handbook of Medical Astrology
As I can't share any of my client's charts I am using the two dates/times that I had my two...
May 2, 2021
This week we are covering the chart of Cheiro the palmist and the date he self-published his first book.
Here's a link to the actual first book 1894 Cheiro's Language of the Hand
Cheiro (real name William John Warner)