Apr 12, 2020
This week we are learning (together) Horary Astrology with the wonderful book Horary Astrology Plain and Simple.
Diane posed the question:
When will I have a place of my own to live in again?
Here's the chart using Equal House
I always write the question in the 'name' box on www.astro.com
Scorpio Asc: Rulers are Pluto and Mars both in the 3rd house of short journeys, local, siblings and cousins.
4th house of home is empty and won't have a transiting planet until Feb 2021.
The Ruler to the 4th which is in the sign of Aquarius is Uranus which is located in the 6th house of health, lodgers, tentants.
My answer was it won't happen until a planet transits into the 4th house....what do you think?
Same chart using https://www.astrogold.io/