Mar 29, 2020
Thank you to 'Nina' for volunteering her chart. Her Synastry with her chappie was discussed in Episode 91
Just before I start want to give two links mentioned in podcast:
Here's my FaceBook Live How to be Safe at Home/4th House
YouTube How to Survive the Virus
We need to remember with this episode that not everyone who has Pluto transiting their Ascendant is going to have a stroke.
This Episode is demonstrating how one person expressed that event...and with a closer look at the Astrology there is more than one transit happening at that time.
Mom's natal chart:
Capricorn Asc, Sun Gemini in the 6th, Moon Taurus in the 4th
Date and time of stroke,
Pluto exactly on Asc, Asc in 6th house conjunct Mercury (ruling planet to Gemini) also Moon conjunct Mercury. Bunch of planets transiting the 3rd house of siblings. (Mum's brother was sent to the house to find her)
How the news affected her daughter 'Nina'.
Pluto conjunct Asc too, Mars/Jupiter